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Now, let's talk about buildings since we are surrounded by them in the city. We live inside them and able to see them and walk among them everyday of our lives. It is said that Architecture lives on, taking an active role in the environment and the people. So what can a person tell about today's architecture? 

I'm no perfect nor good Architecture Critic but let's give it a try and see from my point of view. 

Makati is one of the perfect areas in Metro Manila that is developed, established and composed of eye-catching buildings/structures, worthy to be critiqued. Having said that, I chose a number of buildings to evaluate, observe, study and appreciate. 

Starting with Ayala Museum, I was able to go inside this building last year, 2015 and I can say that this is not your ordinary museum. But with the exterior, I like how the dimension shows how contemporary the building is. The juxtaposition of the facade having two contrasting being. The left side that is made of glass and steel and the right side with granite. The role of lines having horizontal and vertical should not be disregarded also to give aesthetics and function. I was also drawn by the truncated shape of the left part and added to how interesting this building is. I admire how the exterior played a good role to define the function of it being a museum. Ayala Museum showcases a collection of Philippine Art and archeological artifacts. For those people who want to breathe and relax around the busy city, this is a good space to visit. This museum will totally boost your spirit through Philippine History and inspire you with its contemporary art. The interior of the building did not disappoint me as well, I like the division of spaces and the spatial composition. Sadly, I wasn't able to take photographs to show the interior of this museum. 

Just a walking distance from Ayala Museum, the PLDT Building stands. What urge me to choose this is the style, that is Brutalism. 

One thing I like about this style is being what it is. No pretensions. It is also  monolithic that somehow in any way manifest hierarchy. But being a brutalist building doesn't equate to being boring and plain. The aesthetics of this building showing movements in each level/floor gives life and all in all creates the uniformity of the elements of the building. It is designed homogenously. PLDT Building displays stability and solidity. This for a reason gives me a feeling of seriousness and significance, mentioning that is an office building. Another comment is it combines well with the green environment/the nature particularly with the trees. 

Same goes with the Leandro Locsin Building beside it, having the qualities of an appearance that is strong, powerful and heavy. The signature style of Locsin is evidently visible of how raw and unpretentious his building is. This is a 19-storey structure and the first building in the Philippines to have no corner columns. There is a special feature displayed in the corners, the main emergency staircase, but will be much appreciated at night. This building also got strategic location in which it is accessible by means of public transportation and near famous landmarks such as Greenbelt and Ayala triangle.

Walking ahead more, the Zuellig Building stands. With the surrounding buildings around, this particular structure will surely get the attention and the eyes of the people. It is a modern building with an all glass facade, the form is plain rectilinear but what makes it stand out among others is of what it is made of. I thought that there will be a problem regarding the heat received inside the building but I learned that the large double-paned glass panels has low emissivity (low-E) coating making it minimize the solar heat gain and energy loss while there is a maximized penetration of light inside. The facade has an identity of ceramic frit pattern of the glass curtain wall. The architect got inspired from bamboos and flowing water (based from what I researched) which I could say is visible evident. I like the idea of a modern building having some inspiration from vernacular and organic motifs. 

When you gaze upon Zuellig, you will see for yourself its beauty because it complements the sky. It seems to blend in with the atmosphere. It creates an effect up in the sky that connects to the idea of belonging. 

It is also said to be a green building and LEED certified for Zuellig provides measurable benefits in terms of energy savings, lower operating costs and superior indoor air quality. 

Personally, Zuellig Building is one of my favorite buildings around Makati. Though, I think that Zuellig has an impression of being high class and 'only-for-the-rich' some kind of vibe, I admire its clean work and construction. 

Walking back to Greenbelt area, the Discovery Primea, a half hotel and half residential building is standing proudly. I must say that at the first look, I judged it right away. At first, my verdict is that its ugly and weak. I thought that it is not something good to blend with the surrounding buildings of Makati's central business district. This is the tallest hotel and residential building in the Philippines -- according to my research. By the looks of it, surely it is and that gave me an idea of thinking that it looks like its gonna fall if there is a very strong wind (this is me joking inside my head). But then as I observed and looked more, I started appreciating the design. It is not your ordinary residential building. How? By the width and the height combine, it created an exceptional one (for me!!!) and there is some parts of the building that are put on the sides like defying gravity type. 

I researched more about this and discovered that Kenzo Tange, a Japanese master architect and Pritzer Prize Awardee designed the building. (It is also said that it was his last project until he died and first project in the PH). I can't clearly and totally say that this design is a postmodern building since it looks like it is inspired from the traditional/classical with the touch of modernism. For me, it looks like a column as a whole without the other elements. But one thing I can say about the design is that it gave justice for  its function and I must say the design is unique. As per Kenzo Tange, it is his inspiration“to create a sense of living in the sky, and create a unique addition to the city’s skyline.” The exterior does not show off much and I feel that I am welcome like I can go inside and inquire and no one will judge me. 

So I went to their website and saw the interior (i love it so much!! and got suddenly hurt because I wasn't able to go inside :( ) I just wanna put the pictures of the interior in this blog! 

Hotel lobby (Photo by Discovery Primea) 

Business flat, 40 sq m. (Photo by Discovey Primea) 

Bathroom (Photo by Discovery Primea) 

Business Suite 53 sq. m (Photo by Discovery Primea) 

View of the bedroom (Photo by Discovery Primea) 

The Gilarmi Lounge (Photo by Discovery Primea) 

Living and Dining Areas of the Executive Suites (Photo by Discovery Primea) 

Infinity Pool (Photo by Discovery Primea) 
The interior is inspired by classic mediterrenean Chinoiserie aesthetics. If you want to relax and have a really good time, this is a perfect place! (I will definitely go here) You can see how the hotel/residential building gave attention to their goal: to give comfort. It looks so clean and peaceful inside. Also, if you love looking at the city views and city lights, better get a room here. Based from the pictures above, they are really concerned to the service they will give. The function of the building is perfectly achieved, I must say. This is timeless and got attention to details and to the whole design. 

There are so many houses, buildings and structures worthy to be critiqued around Metro Manila but I only got a chance to have 5 because of some reasons. To end my blog, I want to say that we should always be aware of our surroundings specially with the architecture for it is for us and we are the consumers of it and always thrive to create ways to make life better. 


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