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Jean Nouvel is a French Architect and known to have designs which creates "a visual landscape" that fits the surrounding area of the building. He is said to have exuberant, imaginative, bold experimental designs that gave him a character in the field (the internet and the world say so) and made him won awards like his 2008 Pritzker Architecture Prize. Though I can't say that he deserves the award, he is aligned with other architectural superstars. 

Nouvel lacks a signature style and that being said is his "trademark" (Again, the world says so and the other known architects as well) 

Architect Frank Gehry summarized Nouvel’s strengths and weaknesses in this way: “He tries things and not everything works. There’s a mixture of things that are extraordinary, things that are experiments, things that don’t come off aesthetically. But Jean is willing to jump in and take on things and try. That’s a great quality.”

“Since the beginning of his architectural career in the 1970s, Frenchman Jean Nouvel has broken the aesthetic of modernism and post-modernism to create a stylistic language all his own. He places enormous importance on designing a building harmonious with its surroundings,” said Bill Lacy in his book, One Hundred Contemporary Architects 

Nouvel's Works:

100 11th Avenue, New York City

Wall With Metal Lenses at the Arab World Institute

Tour de Verre in New York City

Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris, France

Agbar Tower in Barcelona, Spain

Nemausus I public housing in Nimes, France

Quai Branly Museum in Paris, France

Nouvel's designs are flamboyant and colorful. He tends to work and carry out with light and shadows.  You cannot define Jean Nouvel. He seems to ignore the expectations regarding the world of Architecture. He has his own design approach and ways, I guess so. It is very difficult to characterize his designs and works. Yes, it is true that there is a number of his works that I don't like (really to be honest and I think many will agree) but there are also some which are okay (and good, maybe). I truly believe that he can do better. Just like what the critics say, Jean Nouvel defies classification. One cannot say if he is a modernist or a postmodernist. 

Much to the defense of Jean Nouvel, in his own words, he said, "Critics have defined me as a conceptual architect that is, one who works more with words than with drawings. I mistrust drawings as fixing things too early in the creative process, while words liberate. I believe the architect is a man who says something...." 

How about the 'Calmas'?

Lor Calma is a Filipino Architect,Interior Designer, Sculptor and recognized to be the Pioneer Modernist here in the Philippines. His vision in Architecture is now being continued by his son, Ed. This father-and-son tandem is widely known in Philippine Design and Architecture. They are also said to be a "pride" of the country. 

Left Side: Lor Calma; Right Side: Ed Calma 

The name 'Calma' is said to be equivalent to a powerful aesthetic impact on the environment. Lor's design principle and approach is minimalism and people admired him for that especially the cleanliness of his works. Even though Lor and Ed have different personalities, both of them have the same modern vision for architecture and design. Now they believe that this is the beginning of something more expressionistic and futuristic but not beyond  (they also suspect that people have accepted this style). 

“To create a balance between Architecture, Interior & Furniture Design and unifying it, producing a conducive modern lifestyle.”

Honestly, I like the philosophy and approach of the Calmas. I like how the aesthetics of their design but not leaving the function. There is no exaggeration of the form, just like what Lor Calma said. They don't forget the responsibility with the nature as architects as well, and that is a 'thumbs-up' for me --- the combination of nature and modern lifestyle in their designs. 

“Our movement is to inspire people with our designs, incorporating modern & native materials, creating a harmonious environment.”

Works & Projects: 

The Mind Museum 

Bantayan Resort 

Laude Residence 

Pablito Calma Residence 

Samal Island Hotel 

"Their architecture utilizes cantilevers that slice the space to evoke the feeling of suspension, and the interplay of planes and volumes to create multidimensional patterns." - Inquirer (Lifestyle) 

I also like how their designs are characterized by bold geometry and concepts. I like how they think through with their designs. They are thinking outside of the box for Ed was taught to draw inspiration from unconventional sources outside architecture and to redefine the uses of space.) Maybe there are imperfections (forget not the construction of SDA) in some of their works but we couldn't deny the fact that their designs are good.

To end this blog, all I can say, with all honesty there is, I prefer the Calmas over Nouvel.


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