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Showing posts from October, 2016


Up until today, "Philippine Architecture" has been a big controversy. Is there such thing as "Philippine Architecture"? Having said that, it was a difficulty for me to pinpoint the Filipino context of the SDA building.  So after some deep observations and a lot of thinking the things I have noticed are:  How the entrance of the building is elevated which can be incorporated of how a bahay-kubo (not to conclude that bahay-kubo is originally filipino) is elevated or on stilts, Not to miss the windows around the building look like the windows of yet again, the bahay-kubo (though SDA got glass as per being a modern structure), Philippines is a tropical country so technically, architecture should adapt to the need of proper ventilation and the use of natural light. SDA got a very good grade for that part. (For me it is considered to have the Filipino context in this modern architecture). Plus the vibes of SDA especially when you go insi


WHO IS JEAN NOUVEL?   Jean Nouvel is a French Architect and known to have designs which creates "a visual landscape" that fits the surrounding area of the building. He is said to have  exuberant, imaginative,  bold experimental designs that gave him a character in the field (the internet and the world say so) and made him won awards like his 2008 Pritzker Architecture Prize. Though I can't say that he deserves the award, he is aligned with other architectural superstars.  Nouvel lacks a signature style and that being said is his "trademark" (Again, the world says so and the other known architects as well)  Architect  Frank Gehry  summarized Nouvel’s strengths and weaknesses in this way: “He tries things and not everything works. There’s a mixture of things that are extraordinary, things that are experiments, things that don’t come off aesthetically. But Jean is willing to jump in and take on things and try. That’s a great quality.” “Since th